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Yeoman, Lauren, et al. “Acting Lessons for Zoom.”

Training Magazine, 17 Feb. 2021

This article for the online magazine Training Magazine discussed ways to improve Zoom meetings by applying theater principles to leadership through virtual communication platforms.

Yeoman, Lauren, et al. “Dramatic Arts Pedagogy & Online Learning: Potential Tool for Learning in a Knowledge Society?"

Revisitas, Vol. 19, n. 4, 31 Dec. 2018

This article was co-written by instructors from USC's School of Dramatic Arts and Rossier School about deploying theater pedagogy in online classroom environments.

Workshops & Writing: Publications


"An Introduction to the Joy of Phonetics"

VASTA Conference, July 30-August 1, 2021, Virtual.

This hour-long workshop introduced voice and speech trainers to the work of Louis Colaianni, teaching sound acquisition through kinesthetic learning and the use of phonetic pillows, including discussion on the sources of the pedagogies of Maria Montessori and Rudolf Steiner.

"Adding Drama to your Pitch"

EdTech Week Conference: April 19-22, 2021

This masterclass for founders of educational technology startups focused on applying acting techniques to both content and delivery in creating a compelling pitch.

Micro-Workshop on Vocal Cooldown

VASTA Conference, August 11-14, 2018, Seattle, Washington

This micro-workshop, adapted from the hour-long workshop presented at Chapman University in 2016, offered practical application of cooldown techniques for actors after performing vocal extremes.

"Vocal Traditions: Colaianni Speech"

Voice and Speech Review, forthcoming

The focus of this forthcoming article accepted for publication in the scholarly journalThe Voice and Speech Review will be to offer voice teachers a deeper knowledge of pedagogical history and a wider understanding of the Colaianni Speech methodology.

"Theatre and Politics"

10 Nov. 2019, City Garage Theatre, Los Angeles, CA

Yeoman, Lauren, Morris, Steven, Boduszynski, Mietek, and Lejko-Lacan, Viktorija, panelists. Panel discussion with playwright Jeton Neziraj. This panel discussion with the playwright Jeton Neziraj, moderated by Steven Leigh Morris of Stage Raw, centered on the rise of autocracies in Europe,the Balkans, and the west in general, and the current intersection of theatre and politics.

Vocal Athlete Cool-down for Professional Voice Users: The Pleasure Principle

Healthy Approaches in the Training of Performing Artists: Changing Our Future conference, September 10-11, 2016, Chapman University, Orange, CA

This hour-long workshop offered practical application of cooldown techniques for actors after performing vocal extremes.

Workshops & Writing: Publications

©2021 by Lauren Murphy Yeoman

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